Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
General FAQs
Explore our extensive FAQs section designed to address common queries about CRYOPDP’s diverse range of services and innovative solutions, offering comprehensive insights into our tailored offerings and process management expertise.
Why Choose CRYOPDP?
CRYOPDP has over 25 years of experience serving the life science and healthcare industries, providing customized and tailor-made turnkey global transport and logistics solutions for high-value time- and temperature-sensitive shipments.
- Temperature-controlled transport and logistics specialist
- Best-in-class operation
- Dedicated customer service
- Reliable global international network
- Focus on quality and delivering on cost
- Advice, training and consulting
- Innovative and flexible IT solutions
Where is CRYOPDP located?
CRYOPDP has 39 offices and operates in over 150 countries worldwide, with a global logistics network serving more than 3 million patients annually.
See our contacts and office addresses.
What is CRYOPDP’s mission?
CRYOPDP aims to improve the health of people around the world by providing global innovative temperature-controlled logistics solutions to the Clinical Research and Cell and Gene Therapy communities.
How do I open a new account with CRYOPDP?
To open an account with CRYOPDP, please get in touch with your local CRYOPDP office, speak to a Customer Service Team or Commercial Representative, or check our FAQs. They’ll be happy to help.
How can I register to have access to MyCRYOPDP?
To access MyCRYOPDP, please click the ‘MyCRYOPDP’ button at the top right of the screen. Complete the registration form, and one of our local Customer Service Team members will contact you.
Solutions/Services FAQ
How can I access the temperature-controlled range that CRYOPDP offers?
If you have an inquiry about CRYOPDP’s healthcare temperature-controlled range offer, please get in touch with our local Customer Service Team or read our FAQs. Or you can explore our temperature-controlled range.
Does CRYOPDP provide Direct-to-Patient services?
CRYOPDP offers a Direct-to-Patient turnkey solution with end-to-end process management and total peace of mind. Our teams have been working with our clients and partners to provide tailor-made and innovative solutions for their investigational sites’ supply chain, which increasingly requires Direct-to-Patient supply solutions. Please contact our Direct-to-Patient Commercial Specialist or check our FAQs for more information.
Shipping FAQ
How do I request a quotation for a shipment with CRYOPDP?
To request a shipment quotation, please complete our form with the following information: transport solution, nature of your shipment, temperature range, U.N. class, pickup and destination, collection date, and your direct contacts.
What are the packaging requirements for my shipment with CRYOPDP?
Packaging requirements are based on individual shipments. Please contact your local CRYOPDP Customer Service Team to explore available options.
How can I track and trace my shipment?
To track the status of your shipment with CRYOPDP, please use CRYOPDP’s Customer Portal. For complete tracking information, log in with your email address and password.